How Can You Enroll Your Child in International Primary Schools?

How Can You Enroll Your Child in International Primary Schools?

Getting your child into the best local elementary schools is not as simple as it appears in today’s world. Most foreign schools no longer operate on a first-come, first-served basis. As a result, getting into a popular primary school is like hitting the lottery. Here are some pointers to assist you with enrolling your child in international elementary schools.

7 Points to Remember

Admission to excellent primary schools can be difficult. However, by following a few basic guidelines, you can improve your child’s chances of admission to one of these foreign schools.

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1. Conduct thorough research

Official review sites can provide information about whichever school you wish your child to attend. You should also speak with parents whose children are already enrolled at that school. Finally, you can voice your concerns and determine whether your desired school is a good fit for your child.

2. I live nearby

Where you live is one of the most significant elements to consider if you want to succeed in this race. Singapore citizens and permanent residents who live within 1 to 2 kilometers of the school receive priority admission, according to the Singapore education system.

3. Prepare ahead of time

If you want to enroll your child in an international primary school, buy or rent a home within 1 or 2 kilometers of the school. It will be less stressful than trying to find a home at the last minute because other parents will be doing the same.

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Furthermore, it is not a rapid process. Finding a suitable house that matches all of your requirements will be difficult and time-consuming. Even after several trips, there is no certainty that you will find a place. Even if you do, it is not guaranteed that your child will be admitted. As a result, be ready for everything.

4. Be more open to new possibilities.

You must be practical and not limit yourself to one option. It is possible that your child did not pass the admissions process of your desired school, or that the primary school costs in Singapore are prohibitively expensive. Don’t give up hope, and prepare for such circumstances ahead of time. Before the admissions process begins, be practical and seek a couple of other colleges.

5. Understand when and how to apply

As a parent, you should be aware of all deadlines and times, such as when the school will begin its admission procedures.

  • Regularly check the school’s website for updates.
  • Inquire about the documentation that the school needs and submit them on time.
  • Verify your documents before the deadline.
  • Keep in touch with the admissions office if your schedule changes.

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6. Understanding the Allocation Methodology

It is likely that your child is on the waiting list for the top school of your choice, but he was admitted to the second-best primary school. You must not wait for them to complete the first school before enrolling them in the school they completed. When compared to the available seats, the number of candidates is limitless. As a result, understanding how the allocation process works is critical.

7. Do not be afraid to make requests.

Do not be afraid to make requests if your child is on the waiting list for your favorite school. If possible, ask the council to hunt for an extra seat, or tell them if you believe the reason for rejection was unfair. If they accept your request, you will be able to apply for admission within ten days, according to the Singapore school system.


Primary education is critical since it serves as the basis for a child’s educational journey. As a result, every parent in Singapore takes it seriously and has a tough time choosing the ideal primary school for their child. Parents need not be concerned about Singapore’s primary school costs, though, given the quality of education provided.

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Albert John

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