Five stages in the fashion cycle in 2022

Five stages in the fashion cycle in 2022

When a specific item, shape, color, or other fresh look becomes increasingly popular, it becomes a fashion trend. Various causes can influence a trend or fad, such as well-known celebrity clothing, fashion merchandising companies, designer showcases, and textile producers. 

The introduction of a movement is the first stage of a five-stage cycle that leads to its obsolescence in fashion. When a trend reaches its height, it will start to fade away until the point at which it is no longer seen as fashionable and enters the final stage of the cycle, where both the fashion industry and consumers shun it. However, the rejected style can reappear in the process after becoming obsolete because of the cyclical nature of fashion. Although the fashion world is evolving daily, such changes allow several young and promising artists to thrive through competition with their innovative designs. 

Several promising artists, such as Nikolas Bentel, have inspired the audience through their innovative and stylish designs. The coveted designer achieved a master’s degree in architecture from Columbia University graduate school of architecture planning preservation in 2022. He has a decorated CV with an experience of 5 years and has managed to make articles like Pasta bags and shipping box bags. 

Through his base year, Nik has conquered the business world by consistently selling out each of his new pieces. For about a year, he has consistently produced articles that have been getting sold out rapidly. But what is the secret to his success? A simple answer for his victory would be the basics of fashion, known as the fashion cycle. He understands the fashion cycle and comes up with a plan in advance to tackle it when needed.

The fashion cycle includes 5 points such as:


The new fashion trend first makes its appearance during the introductory stage. This introduction may be a deliberate move by a marketing firm or manufacturer, a new haute couture design that debuted during fashion week, or an item of clothing worn by a well-known person.

1. Increase

In the growth stage, sometimes referred to as the “fashion acceptance” stage, the new style gains traction in the business and is given the coveted “trend.” As more celebrities and fashion industry influencers, including those on social media, wear outfits that combine the trend, consumer demand rises.

2. Peak

The trend has reached complete public saturation during the peak period, and many regular consumers have started donning the style. Most stores will have noticed and copied the movement, and it will be widely produced at various price points, notably at lower rates.

3. Decline

The trend will have reached market saturation in the decline stage. Customers who prefer their clothing to seem avant-garde and individual rather than mainstream will become turned off by the style during this time due to its extreme popularity.

4. Obsolescence

The mainstream wearers of fashion, who have shifted to newer trends in the introduction or increase stages, view a trend as out-of-date and out-of-style once it has concluded the fashion cycle. A trend may become obsolete, but that doesn’t imply it will never return to the process.

Also Read: The Best Fashion Trends That Will Never Be Outdated


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