6 Reasons Why Primary Education is Important for Your Child’s Life

6 Reasons Why Primary Education is Important for Your Child’s Life

Children are like soft clay. They’ll take whatever shape you give them. Parents play the most crucial role in shaping a child’s future. After that, school plays the next most significant part. Primary education nurtures a child from a very young age. Apart from imparting knowledge, education received in primary school imparts values like friendship, teamwork, and a lot more that shape the child into a responsible adult. This article discusses all the benefits of primary schooling and its importance in your child’s life. 

1. Development of a child’s character

Primary school is where a child learns moral values along with regular classes. The teachers teach the child to respect their elders, peers, people from diverse backgrounds, and everyone around them, irrespective of gender, race, and religion. 

They also learn discipline, kindness, and etiquette, making them the strongest pillars of the nation’s future. These values will help them make wise decisions, do good for others, support needy people, and uplift others. Since values form the most critical part of our personality, primary education from a reputed school is needed.

Read also: 9 Things Children Learn in Secondary School

2. Social Development

Every child needs to communicate their thoughts freely, express opinions, build relationships, and network with like-minded people. This habit has to be taught right from childhood. Having good relationships play a huge role in the long run. So, from childhood, your toddler will interact with their batchmates and learn to adjust around them. Also, various activities conducted in school will help your child blossom and showcase their talent. That is very important for your child’s future. So, the development of social and communication skills starts from a very young age, that is, in primary school.

3. Physical Health

Everyone knows that health is wealth. Therefore, children should learn to take care of their physical health from childhood so that they don’t take their health for granted in the future. So, a primary school organizes various outdoor games that will help your child stay physically fit. Many schools even organize yoga classes for their students, which will improve their focus and concentration apart from boosting their physical health. Hence, apart from your child’s moral development, primary school plays a huge role in physical development. Unfortunately, many children and sometimes even parents don’t realize this particular benefit of primary school, which offers many extracurricular activities.

4. Reading and learning

Coming to the most crucial part of schooling, education, the role of a primary school, is abundant. Children are encouraged to read and explore new things from a very young age in school. It builds a curious mind and a thirst for knowledge in a child. This thirst pushes them to work harder to excel in whatever field they decide to take up in the future and contribute to a noble cause in society. In addition, most primary schools have a library offering a wide range of story books. It helps a child read more, develops critical thinking, expands their knowledge, and improves their vocabulary. Hence, the contribution of a primary school in Singapore is supreme when it comes to education.

 Read also: 5 Ways To Teach Patience To School Students

5. Developing Confidence

Confidence is the key to success for anyone in this world, and if it starts developing from primary school itself, things will be very easy to handle for your child in the future. Confidence grows as your child explores their area of interest and excels. For example, if your child is interested in studying, performing well in the exams will help them gain confidence. If your child is into sports, winning in various sports will give you confidence. If your child is good at anything else like art, music, dance, or anything similar, then participating and winning in such events will give them the confidence to excel in that field. Primary school activities will help them build self-esteem, which will help your child embrace every challenge life throws at them. It is something that a reputed school in Singapore widely emphasizes.

6. Overall Development

Gone are those days when only good grades were considered a symbol of excellence. With new career opportunities coming up now and then, it becomes crucial for your child to explore their interests and plan accordingly. Apart from that, the education received in primary schools also helps your child develop various soft skills like:

  • Communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Work ethic
  • Adjustment
  • Etiquette
  • Time management
  • Independent study

Then, a child learns other great habits like discipline, punctuality, reading, and many more. Thus, primary school education not only helps your child get a formal education but also molds them into responsible adults of whom you and society can be proud.


If you think that primary education will only teach them the basics, which your child can learn at home, you’re compromising your child’s personality development. In primary school, your child faces every challenge bravely and battles all situations effectively. The child cannot learn these things just by sitting at home. Hence, going to primary school is a must for every child.

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Albert John

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