Five Simple Ways to Help You Stop Snoring

Five Simple Ways to Help You Stop Snoring

Whether you snore or your partner, either way, it is an issue for you and your companion. Snoring causes irritation that if not treated on time can even start interfering with one’s everyday life. At worst, snoring is also a symptom of sleep apnea that can be dangerous for a snorer’s health. 

Thankfully, there are treatments available for snoring, as well as sleep apnea. Although sleep apnea needs medical attention, you can treat snoring through some simple yet effective remedies. Here’s what you need to do for proper snoring relief

  1. Salt Water Rinse/Steam Inhalation

When you snore due to a blocked or stuffy nose, you may take some steps to open up the nasal passages. The blockage indicates obstruction of normal breathing and this obstruction causes snoring. A simple and effective solution is to do salt water rinsing or neti pot that relieves one’s nasal blockages. Another solution is to go for steam inhalation. 

  1. Avoid Smoking/Alcohol/Caffeine

Smoking/alcohol/caffeine consumption can decrease muscle tone, particularly at your throat’s back. Generally, people are more likely to snore when they smoke or consume alcohol/coffee before bedtime. So, it’s best to avoid any of these substances five to six hours before you go to bed. 

  1. Use Nasal Sprays and Home Remedies

Before going to sleep, you have to blow the nostrils out to make the air passage clear. If you have bad snoring due to a blocked nose, you can even use ghee (clarified butter) to clear the air passage. 

In case you constantly have a problem with blocked nostrils, your entire system may get disrupted. So, it’s best to use a good nasal spray to ensure clear nostrils at bedtime. For around seven to ten days, you need to use the nasal spray. Or use it as your physician directs or as per the instructions on the label. The nasal spray also helps in lubricating the nasal passage. So, mucus can get out easily in the morning for attaining clean nostrils. 

You can get saline nasal sprays easily at a pharmacy. All you need to do is spray it into your nostrils to a certain extent. When nostrils are constantly blocked, it can impact your whole system in distinct ways. So, it’s vital to have free air passage for breathing all the time. How balanced the fluids are and how clear the sinuses are often determined by various things, including one’s sense of well-being, brain function, the sharpness of five senses, your sense of balance and the sharpness of overall intellect. 

So, do try any of these remedies to ensure your blocked nostrils don’t turn into a chronic problem that often bothers you every day. 

  1. Change Your Sleep Position 

Whenever you lay down flat on your back, your tongue’s base and soft palate are likely to collapse towards the back wall of your throat. This could lead to a vibrating sound while sleeping. So, you need to switch your sleep position to ensure this problem doesn’t occur. While changing sleep position is a challenge, you may use a full-length pillow for being on your side when sleeping. Another easy option is to tape a soft rubber ball on your back. It will prevent you from lying down on your back. One more option is to recline your bed with your head in the upward direction. So, it can open up the nostrils for unobstructed air. 

  1. Do Yoga for Blocked Nose

If you have a congested nasal passage that does not clear with any other remedies, you can start doing Jala Neti. It needs some preparation at your end. While you can learn to do neti in various studios without any preparation, it is not wise to pour water into your nostril without proper instructions. You need to do this practice properly and learn it from professional yoga teachers. 


From home remedies to snore sprays, there are various options to relieve snoring. There are chances that if you snore a lot, you may even have sleep apnea, which could be life-threatening. For, sleep apnea leads to other health issues like stroke. Therefore, make sure to take the advice of a professional doctor. Only professionals can guide you to the right treatment.

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Albert John

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