Upcoming Instagram feature

Upcoming Instagram feature

Instagram continues to be a major player in the social media market in 2023, and for good reason. Furthermore, if you use Instagram, you should work to increase your following. Building an Instagram following requires effort, dedication, and money. Because of this, influencers and entrepreneurs frequently buy Arab Instagram followers to fictitiously increase their following. In December 2021, there were 2 billion active Instagram users globally. Instagram constantly develops and grows, which means it frequently adds new features. 

New Instagram features & updates


The “Notes” function in DMs has been under test by Instagram in various nations. More nations (including Europe and Japan) are gradually getting access to it presently.

Quiet mode

This one is for the content producers, social media managers, students, and everyone else who wants to live a notification-free life:

On Instagram, select “Quiet Mode” from the settings menu.

What occurs when the Quiet Mode switch is activated?

  • Instagram alerts won’t be sent to you anymore.
  • The “In Quiet Mode” status will appear in your profile activity, letting people know that you won’t be able to respond.
  • If someone sends you a Direct Message on Instagram, an auto-reply will be sent.
  • These nations—the US, UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand—offer “Quiet Mode” as of right now. Instagram plans to expand it to more nations if testing goes well.

Control your Explore Page

Would you like to alter your Explore Page further? Clearly state to the Instagram algorithm what you do not want to see. You may improve the accuracy of your Explore, Reels, and Search Pages in this way.

  • Keep your hand on the post to prevent viewing it.
  • Select “Not interested”

Hidden words to control the content you see

You already have the option to hide DMs and replies with specific words. You can now hide postings with specified words in their hashtags or captions.

As you may have observed, some postings from users you don’t follow may occasionally appear on your Home Feed. There are “Recommended Posts” here.

What you don’t want to see can be controlled.

Say, for example, that you don’t want to read posts about “puppies” and “cats” (how sad). Next, include those words in your list.

Parents’ supervision tools

A Family Center and Supervision Tools feature was introduced on Instagram. You may plan breaks, set time limits, etc. Additionally, parents can now receive notifications when their kids update their Instagram settings.

New profile photo

Now, the image in your profile can be animated. Both your avatar and actual profile image are automatically changed.

Gifts for content creators

To help their favorite content producers, customers can buy “Gifts”. The marketplaces for Instagram in Arab countries are among the largest worldwide. You must make up a lot of ground if your company hasn’t already claimed a seat on this global network. Opening a brand-new Instagram account or buy Arabic Instagram followers and turning your personal account into a business one is simple.  Those who are content creators have the option of purchasing “Gifts” on their Reels (past, present, and future Reels). “Virtual gifts” are what these are. Then, after some time, you can convert these gifts into cash.

Read Also: Top 10 ways to get more Instagram Followers Uk and Likes
