How To Audit Your Business Energy Consumption

How To Audit Your Business Energy Consumption

One unique way to reduce energy cost in your businessis to clear out any unnecessary and unauthorised wastage of energy. This is what an Enery Audit does. An Energy Audit is a comprehensive assessment of your business’s energy use. It is usually done by an energy broker and it includes identifying areas where energy is being wasted and recommending ways to improve energy efficiency. Thinking of how to go about this auditing process? Read through this blog post to know more about the steps to take.

Benefits Of Auditing Your Business Energy Consumption 

There are several benefits of auditing your business energy consumption. Using an energy broker software to identify the gaps that account for unauthorised use or wastage of energy can eventually seal up any mismanagement. Auditing your business energy consumption can provide numerous benefits, including:

1. Cost savings: Cost reductions are one of the biggest advantages of evaluating your company’s energy usage. When you locate energy wasters, you can make adjustments to your processes or buy more energy-efficient equipment, which can lower your energy costs.

2. Improved efficiency: Energy audits can assist you in finding operational inefficiencies that could be costing you money. You may make adjustments to enhance your operations and lower your energy usage if you know how your energy is used and where it is being squandered.

3. Reduced environmental impact: When you use less energy, you may lessen your carbon footprint and contribute to environmental protection. You can find chances to use less energy and make adjustments that will enable you to run more sustainably by auditing your energy usage.

4. Compliance: Auditing your energy consumption can also help ensure that your business is complying with relevant laws and regulations regarding energy use according to the energy broker portal. This can help you avoid potential fines or other penalties for non-compliance.

5. Improved reputation: Operating your business in an environmentally responsible way can help improve your reputation and build trust with customers, investors, and other stakeholders. By reducing your energy consumption and implementing sustainable practices, you can demonstrate your commitment to the environment and social responsibility.

Steps To Audit Your Business Energy Consumption 

Here are some steps you can take to audit your business energy consumption:

1. Gather Energy Bills: Collect all the energy bills from the past year to determine the overall energy consumption of your business.

2. Analyze Energy Bills: From the Energy broker platform, Analyze the bills to understand your energy consumption patterns, identify the peak demand period, and figure out areas where energy consumption is higher.

3. Conduct an Energy Walkthrough: Conduct an energy walkthrough of your business to identify areas where energy is being wasted. Look for areas where lights, heating, and cooling systems are left on when not in use. Check for drafty windows, leaks, and other energy inefficiencies.

4. Identify Energy-Saving Opportunities: Based on your analysis, identify areas where you can save energy. This can include upgrading to more energy-efficient lighting, installing programmable thermostats, upgrading insulation, and implementing renewable energy sources.

5. Develop an Energy-Saving Plan: Develop a comprehensive energy-saving plan that outlines the steps you will take to reduce energy consumption. This plan should include a timeline, budget, and specific goals.

6. Implement Energy-Saving Measures: Implement the energy-saving measures outlined in your plan. This can include upgrading equipment, training employees on energy-saving practices, and implementing new policies to reduce energy consumption.

7. Monitor Energy Consumption: Monitor your energy consumption regularly to ensure that you are meeting your goals and to identify any areas where you can further reduce energy consumptions.


A variety of advantages can come from auditing your company’s energy usage, including cost savings, increased effectiveness, decreased environmental impact, compliance, improved reputation, improved employee morale, and increased competitiveness. The actions you take to increase energy efficiency can significantly affect your bottom line if you implement the measures indicated above to identify places where energy is being wasted.

Also Read: Internal Audit Mistakes You Should Never Make
